Tenant Handbook
How to Contact Us
Century 21 AmeriSouth is located at:
2400 West Nine Mile Road
Pensacola, FL 32534 There is a map on our Contact page
Open Monday Through Friday from 8:30AM until 4:30 PM
Paying Rent
Rent is due on the 1st and late on the 4th. We cannot accept cash. We do accept personal checks, money orders, and cashiers checks made payable to CENTURY 21 AmeriSouth Realty.
Any on-time rents may be paid online by using your Propertyware Tenant Portal or pay in person at the office during our regular hours. If you need help with a password reset or portal activation just let us know.
There is a drop slot in the front door for after hours payments.
Late rents must be paid with certified funds at 2400 West Nine Mile Road office only. If you know your rent is going to be late please let the property management department know right away by phone or email propmgr.c21amerisouth@gmail.com
After paying rent late for the third time the payer will receive a written notice that Century 21 AmeriSouth Realty will no longer accept late rent payments for that property. Any rents not paid on-time after that notice is delivered will result in eviction.
Maintenance Requests
All maintenance requests must be in writing. Acceptable written requests include:
- Hand-written and delivered to our office,
- Faxed to (850) 478-6895
- Emailed to propmgr.c21amerisouth@gmail.com
- Maintenance Request Form submission. (Click HERE to go there now)
The property management department will schedule your maintenance with one of our licensed and insured vendors. If you have not heard from the vendor within 1 business day of your request being submitted please contact our office to follow up.
For weekend or after-hours Emergency Requests Only use the Maintenance Form Submission (above) or call the property management department at 850.479.3949. Along with your request you must include your name and address and contact information. Emails are easier to forward to a vendor and will expedite your request. We always monitor the email and will work to find a solution as soon as possible and we will contact you to keep you updated. If you call with an after hours emergency, please follow up with a written request through the portal as soon as possible.
Your Maintenance Responsibilities
Each resident is responsible to act in a way that will preserve the property and enhance living conditions. Sometimes this can require performing simple maintenance tasks. None of the tenant maintenance tasks will require any special tools or skills. Each is simple and each task is listed in this handbook and many include video demonstrations.
And sometimes it means that your responsibility is to notify Century 21 AmeriSouth of maintenance that we are required to provide. Never let leaks, malfunctioning smoke alarms, electrical problems or anything that could threaten your health or safety or cause permanent damage to the property go unreported.
The only authorized pets allowed in your house or kept on your property are the pet(s) listed in your lease. Other pets may not visit or stay with you, even temporarily. If you want to add a pet to your lease after you move in, please contact us before you get the pet. Century 21 AmeriSouth has policies that limit what pets are allowed and each homeowner may have their own rules about pets. We will work with you to get your pet approved if we can, then we will meet with you to add the pet to your lease so you are not in violation.
Parking must be in authorized areas designed for parking and never on the lawn.
Lawn Care
Lawns requires some regular routine maintenance to maintain a property’s value and curb appeal.
1. Most importantly, your lawn must be watered at least 2 – 3 times a week when there has been no rain for a week and when the temperature exceeds 84 degrees in the afternoon. When daytime temperatures drop below 80 degrees you can decrease watering to 1 – 2 times per week, but even when dormant in the winter your lawn requires occasional watering. Be aware that you can over water. So, when the weather is wet and rainy watering could be harmful
2. Mowing. Mowing not only improves the appearance of your home and your neighborhood, it is an effective natural way to slow down weed growth. Lawns should be mowed at least once a month in the Spring and Fall and twice a month in the summer months (June through October). It is not necessary to mow most lawns in our area in December, January and February.
3. Edging the lawn improves looks and drainage. Edging is done on an as-needed basis since lawns differ in their growth, but should be done at least once a month in the summer.
4. Trimming: It is your responsibility to trim shrubs and bushes that you can reach from standing on the ground. If limbs or branches require a ladder to reach, please contact Century21 AmeriSouth for maintenance help.Shrubs should be kept below the bottom of your windows for safety and limbs and branches should be kept from touching any part of the house.